What's New! StatsAmerica is undergoing major changes, adding lots of new features and data. Here are some of the latest enhancements. Puerto Rico data now available The Anywhere USA Profile geographies have been updated and now includes Puerto Rico and its municipios. Innovation Intelligence Innovation Intelligence incorporates updated data in the 2023 release. APRED The Analysis Platform for Risk, Resilience and Expenditure in Disasters (APRED) is a map-based tool for exploring the disaster resilience and vulnerability of U.S. counties and EDDs. Download Center The Download Center is a one-stop shop for bulk downloads of some of the most popular data sets on StatsAmerica. The Regionizer The Regionizer is a county-based profile tool that presents data for custom regions. The latest release features new data and the ability to compare multiple custom regions. Newsletter Sign up for the StatsAmerica newsletter to receive updates on new data, tools and upcoming webinars.